Monday 8 February 2016

Big Queen Fish in shallow waters = heaps of fun!

Karen with her Queen Fish
 What a wonderful unexpected morning! 
The plan had been to head out on our boat for 3rd day lucky with the Sailfish we had seen over the last couple of days, but the wind picked up, and with both or us already sunburnt, we decided against that.

By 10am we were both itching, well what are we going to do with our last day off together then...lets go for a walk on the flats, we can wear our buffs and not get burnt anymore.

Straight up, soon as we go there, Johnno saw MantaRays and started cast towards them. I'm a polite girlfriend (I am so!!!), I let him do his thing, waiting for them to swim past towards me. 

This is the result, my patients paying off; A Big Queenfish caught on lure, on 10b line, in the shallows of the shore.  
Oh what fun I had!

I was casting at the passing MantaRay, hoping it might have fish around it, when I saw a splash to the side of it.  I was trying to quickly reel in my lure, to recast where the splash had been, when I saw half a dozen big Queenie all charging for my lure.  Full on exciting stuff!
Queen Fish caught on lure from the beach
They didn't hesitate, first Queenie there grabbed it and was hooked.  Thankfully the flats around me where clear for it to run and jump as much as it wanted, I just had to wait it out until it tired, which also gave Johnno time to come over to take photos of me with the beautiful fish.
Arms are still shaking from the rush of it all!

Safely released Queen Fish swims off.
Notice the YouTube clip, the large dark shape in the water beside me as I try to get hold of the Queenie with boger grips?  I didn't notice it at the time, too worried about loosing my beautiful fish right at the last moment before being able to get the prized photo. When I did see it I point it out to Johnno who walks straight up to it to chase it off, not wanting it hanging around my recovering Queenie.

Shark was a Shovel nose ray which swam off as soon as Johnno spooked it.  Queen Fish was given time to recover and then safely released.

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